Omnibus Theatre
19 Nov-7 Dec 2013
A centennial adaptation by Robyn Winfield-Smith from the translation by Michael Ewans
This was the inaugural production of Omnibus Theatre, and was a celebration of Büchner’s influential classic, WOYZECK. The production transformed the Victorian arches of Omnibus’ newly refurbished theatre space into an ill-kept military barracks overtaken by an irresistible, wild Nature. With a cast of 12 adult actors, a team of 3 child actors, live music, dance, puppetry from the team that created WARHORSE, an immersive design and a Bartok-inspired musical score expressing Woyzeck's schizophrenia, this production was a thrilling experience for any theatregoer... I raised a total of £29,550 including £15,000 from ACE and £5,000 from the Maudsley Trust, and delivered an attached outreach project raising public awareness of risk factors in schizophrenia.
“A stunning and first-class beginning to the newest arts venue in London. RobynWinfield-Smith is to be applauded for taking one of the most complex and important texts of the past 100 years; delivering a high-octane, visually arresting and fully accessible piece of theatre for a 21st Century audience.A class act. Very highly recommended"
UK Theatre Web
“The whole setting is cinematic and very atmospheric; combined with this feel are some fantastically theatrical elements, such as puppetry and live music. For such
a small and new venue, this is a remarkably well-executed, polished production with many elements that show off how powerful good theatre can be. An excellent adaptation of Büchner’s text by Robyn Winfield-Smith”
The Upcoming
“The theatrical space within the Omnibus Clapham works wonders in immersing you in this world, the smells, sensations and spooky ambient soundtrack... This production succeeds as intellectual meat, as technically excellent theatre and, perhaps most importantly, as entertainment. Mordant humour... Everything tight and fast-paced. A great example of what you can do with 75 minutes and a talented, imaginative company."
London City Nights
Presented by: Omnibus Theatre
Writer: Georg Büchner
Adaptor & Director: Robyn Winfield-Smith
Translator: Michael Ewans
Designer: Fly Davis
Lighting Designer: Oliver Fenwick
Composer & Musical Director: Gregory Batsleer
Sound Designer: Mark Cunningham
Puppetry Director: Jimmy Grimes
Woyzeck: Liam Smith
Marie: Victoria Ross
Doctor: Nigel Hastings
Captain: Kieron Jecchinis
Showman/Journeyman/Landlord: David Rubin
Drum Major: Nicholas Keith
Andres/Karl/Puppeteer: Royce Cronin
Margreth/Käthe/Lead Puppeteer: Ruth Rogers
Landlady/Musician: Ellie Westbrook
The Grandmother: Judy Norman
Puppeteer: Tom Kirk
The role of Christian was played by a rotating team of local Clapham child actors.